DATE: December 03,2017
TIME: 11:30-2:30
PLACE: Fortune's Restaurant at Saratoga Casino and Raceway
This year we are having our annual meeting at Fortune's Restaurant. It will be a Sunday Buffet Brunch and meeting. Since space is limited, the event is open to all substitute teachers who are members of SASTA (If you sub at any of our 14 member schools). The meeting is also open to BOCES Substitute TA's.
In order to attend, you will need to send a $10 check ( made out to SASTA). This check will NOT be returned to you when you register at the event. Guests will now cost $15 to attend. These are CHANGES from previous years. Please be sure to include your contact information with your check. An invitation POSTCARD will be mailed out in November. The deadline to make your reservation is November 29,2017.
We are excited about the venue and being able to offer our members information for this school year. There will be a representative from NYSUT Benefits available during the entire event if you have any questions.
Please mail your reservation check by November 29th, 2017 to:
Debora Berger- 15 Santee Drive- Gansevoort, NY 12831
QUESTIONS? Contact Deb Berger- or call 518-369-0053